Popular South American Historical Books

Find historical books written by authors from South America for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (30)


A Long Petal of the Sea : A Novel by Isabel Allende EN

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of The House of the Spirits, this epic novel spanning decades and crossing continents follows two young people as they flee the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War in search of a place to call home. “One of the most richly imagined portrayals of the Spanish Civil War to date, and one of the strongest and most affecting works in [Isabel Allende’s] long career.”—The New York Times Book Review NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY Esquire • Good Housekeeping • Parade In the late 1930s, civil war grips Spain. When General Franco and his Fascists succ... continue


Capitães do Brasil by Eduardo Bueno PT

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No terceiro volume da sua provocadora série que conta a história do Brasil colônia, Eduardo Bueno foca no período de 1530 a 1550 para nos revelar quem foram esses homens, as aventuras e tragédias de suas vidas, e como ajudaram a moldar a experiência brasileira. Podemos ver o tamanho da missão conferida, as razões do fracasso do modelo de capitanias hereditárias (com a exceção do êxito das capitanias de Pernambuco e São Vicente) e, também, a origem de chagas que assolam o país ainda hoje, como o clientelismo, o latifúndio improdutivo e a falta de um projeto coletivo e inclusivo.


Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Atlantic World : Angola and Brazil during the Era of the Slave Trade by Roquinaldo Ferreira EN

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This book argues that Angola and Brazil were connected, not separated, by the Atlantic Ocean. Roquinaldo Ferreira focuses on the cultural, religious, and social impacts of the slave trade on Angola. Reconstructing biographies of Africans and merchants, he demonstrates how cross-cultural trade, identity formation, religious ties, and resistance to slaving were central to the formation of the Atlantic world. By adding to our knowledge of the slaving process, the book powerfully illustrates how Atlantic slaving transformed key African institutions, such as local regimes of forced labor that preda... continue


Dancing with the Devil in the City of God : Rio de Janeiro on the Brink by Juliana Barbassa EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Rio de Janeiro is a city of extremes: from Carnaval's hedonistic delights, to the poverty of the favelas, to the softly seductive samba beat. But there's a dark side to this beautiful city: for years, Rio was ravaged by inflation, drug wars, and crooked leaders, and the legacy of decades of corruption can be seen in the very real struggles the city faces today. Now, Rio is ready to remake itself, this time into a global, modern capital ready for its turn on the world stage with the Olympics in 2016. But at what price? Armed with sharp prose and a reporter's instinct, Rio-born journalist Julian... continue


Death in the Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
Set in an isolated, rundown community in the Peruvian Andes, Vargas Llosa's novel tells the story of a series of mysterious disappearances involving the Shining Path guerrillas and a local couple performing cannibalistic sacrifices with strange similiarities to the Dionysian rituals of ancient Greece. Part detective novel and part political allegory, it offers a panoramic view of Peruvian society; not only of the current political violence and social upheaval, but also of the country's past and its connection to Indian culture and pre-Hispanic mysticism.


El coronel no tiene quien le escriba by Gabriel García Márquez ES

Rating: 3 (5 votes)
"No One Writes to the Colonel" is a portrait of old age, that period when physical decay conflicts with still-alert mental pride. Gabriel Garca Mrquez was born in 1928 in the town of Aracatca, Columbia. Latin America's preeminent man of letters, he is considered by many to be one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.


El fabricante de peinetas by Ines Quintero ES

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"Una señora de 57 años tiene un romance con un joven de 22. Cuando el amorío se complica, ella lo acusa de haberle robado un montón de dinero. La denuncia prospera, se entabla un juicio, comienzan las averiguaciones y salen al descubierto las cartas privadas que ella le escribió a él. Lo relatado ocurre en Caracas en 1836 y se convierte en chisme y comidilla de la ciudad por una razón muy sencilla: la señora en cuestión es María Antonia Bolívar, la hermana del Libertador, mientras que el presunto ladrón y depositario de su afecto es un joven humilde llamado José Ignacio Padrón, quien se gana l... continue


Fabulosas : histórias de um Brasil LGBTQIAP+ by Patrick Cassimiro PT

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Fabulosas conta as histórias de mais de trinta pessoas LGBTQIAP+ que deixaram e deixam uma marca no Brasil, por meio de sua arte, sua vida e sua luta. Os leitores vão conhecer personagens fascinantes e descobrir peculiaridades como o percurso enfrentado até o primeiro beijo gay na TV brasileira e o significado dos principais termos do pajubá. Você certamente já ouviu falar de Laerte. E de Caio Fernando Abreu, de Marielle Franco, de Linn da Quebrada. Mas e Felipa de Souza? E Luiz Delgado? Muito antes de os movimentos LGBTQIAP+ se articularem e consegu... continue


Facundo : Civilization and Barbarism by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento EN

Rating: 2 (1 vote)
An educator and writer, Sarmiento was President of Argentina from 1868 to 1874. His Facundo is a study of the Argentine character, a prescription for the modernization of Latin America, and a protest against the tyranny of the government of Juan Manuel de Rosas (1835-1852). The book brings nineteenth-century Latin American history to life even as it raises questions still being debated today--questions regarding the "civilized" city versus the "barbaric" countryside, the treatment of indigenous and African populations, and the classically liberal plan of modernization.


Genesis by Eduardo Galeano EN

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“An epic work of literary creation . . . There could be no greater vindication of the wonders of the lands and people of Latin America than Memory of Fire.” —The Washington Post Eduardo Galeano’s monumental three-volume retelling of the history of the New World begins with Genesis, a vast chain of legends sweeping from the birth of creation to the era of savage colonialism. Through lyrical prose and deep understanding, Galeano (author of the celebrated Open Veins of Latin America) recounts creation myths, pre-Columbian societies, and the brutality of conquest, from the Andes to the Great Plain... continue